How to Find Us
Contact Information
Carleton Laboratory
500 West 120th Street, MC4709
161 Engineering Terrace
New York, NY 10027
Phone: +1.212.854.3158
Fax: +1.212.854.4084
Email: [email protected]
Operating Hours: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding university holidays.
*The main entrance of the Carleton Laboratory is on the first floor of the Engineering Terrace Building, Room 161.
From the street, the lab can be reached via the Seeley W. Mudd Building entrance on 120th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. Once in the elevator lobby, walk through the automatic double doors and turn left immediately after the doors to find the main entrance to the Carleton Laboratory. Please note that street access is locked outside of the lab’s opening hours, at which point the lab must be accessed via the main campus entrance at 116th Street.
From campus, the lab may be accessed via the Seeley W. Mudd Building entrance (4th Floor entrance) in the northeast corner of the quad. Take the elevator down to the 1st floor. Turn left, walk through the automatic double doors, and turn left immediately after the doors to find the main entrance to the Carleton Laboratory.
Loading Dock
The Carleton Lab loading dock is located between 119th and 120th Street on the western side of Amsterdam Avenue, immediately south of the bus stop. The loading dock is a short dock with a vertical clearance of 11’-10” (3.6m) with a dock height of 40” (1.0m) and will not accommodate full-size box trucks.
Trucks that do not clear dock dimensions must park curbside immediately south of the loading dock.
Call one hour in advance to announce all deliveries to allow staff to ready the dock for delivery.
IMPORTANT: This loading dock is operated on an ad-hoc basis. Lab staff will receive only announced deliveries made to researchers of the Carleton Laboratory. No third party deliveries will be accepted. Deliveries for other departments must be managed by the respective consignee. Dock access should be arranged through the SEAS Facilities Manager.